Earworm: Lilac Wine

Just a note: Sailing Over a Cardboard Sea has reached 85 followers, meaning we are only 15 away from the next give away! Thanks to those that have joined recently and to those of you that have been with me right along. 

Also, I apologize for the lame posts this week, I'm attempting to nurse my very sick cat and spend most of my time trying to administer the hordes of medication that the vet sent home with us. Regular posting should resume soon, I hope. 

Now back to the Earworm.

The song "Lilac Wine" was originally written by James Shelton in 1950 and went on to be performed by many artists through out the years. Introduced by Hope Foye in the short lived "Dance Me a Song," "Lilac Wine" describes thoughts of a lover that are distorted as the speaker becomes drunk on the wine. 
An incredibly beautiful song which I discovered through listening to Jeff Buckley's album Grace. I often find myself humming this tune and while many others have performed it and Nina Simone's version is quite lovely, no one does it like Buckley. 

Have a listen:

Eartha Kitt, 1953
Such an interesting voice!

Nina Simone, 1966
Her voice lends a different bunch of emotions to the song.

Jeff Buckley, 1994
What a range this man had, amazing voice.

"I drink much more than I ought to drink 
Because it brings me back you..."

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