
The rise of the daffodil signals a farewell to wool and corduroy in these parts as the temperatures soar into the seventies and, this year, into the eighties. Though I look forward to spring each year (the beauty of this season is unsurpassed here in the south), there's always a bit of sadness when I pack away my favorite wool skirts and say goodbye to my cozy outfits.

Orange cardigan-- thrifted, no label
Corduroy vest-- thrifted
Vintage tie--  from Mrs. Bolton, Ultra Trojan brand bought at The Kleinhans Co. Buffalo, NY (original price tag reads $2.50!)
Blouse-- Lands' End 
Skirt-- thrifted, Pendleton Woolen Mills
Tights- Hue
Loafers-- Michel M... same cheap-o loafers I always wear!

Lipstick-- Besame Merlot + Besame Carmine

My ensembles this winter have had a bit of a formula-- pops of bright colors, peter pan collars, neckties and pencil skirts. 

This last outfit of winter certainly follows suit but incorporates a few items that were on the Twin Peaks-inspired wish list I developed in my last post
One trip to Goodwill and I was able to tick off a few of those Twin Peaks must haves: the short, chunky sweater and the vest, along with a few other pieces that will have to wait until next winter to make their blog debut. 

Sometimes my thrifting adventures can be quite aimless-- hours of pawing through racks in search of something, anything that tickles my fancy and, though sometimes an aimless trip leads to an excellent vintage find, many times I wind up with an armful of fashions that I will likely never wear. 

After a recent major closet purge, I've decided my shopping needs to have a bit more direction and that I need only bring home things that I will actually wear-- sensible, right?!

This, the first thrifting adventure of the year, quickly developed a purpose when I pulled this orange cardigan off the rack.
 If you, by chance, read my Between Yellow and Red post in January, you'll know that the color orange is a recent and surprising fascination of mine, so between the color and the waist accentuating length I had been pining for since watching Twin Peaks, this sweater was a must.

 Once one thing on my TP wish list had been checked off, the thrifting adventure became a scavenger hunt for other items on that list. It took some digging but finally from the men's rack came the vest and instantly an outfit was born. 

While nothing genuinely vintage was found on this thrift store trip, it sets the bar high for future shopping adventures. Perhaps each time I go shopping I should actually have a wish list in mind-- what a novel concept!

Speaking of lists, I was actually able to accomplish one of those Pinterest-inspired projects on my home decor to-do list, and repurpose a vintage umbrella that is no longer fit for service. 

I really love how this looks on my front door and, once it is no longer daffodil time, I hope to find another bunch of season appropriate flowers so I can enjoy this bit of cheery decor for a bit longer. 

For those of you on this side of the equator, has spring found you yet? 
With the change of season, what are you most looking forward to wearing and what are you most sad to stash away?

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