Florence and the Machine

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The Video Music Awards, more familiarly know as the VMAs, were held on Sunday night and while I didn't watch, I couldn't help but take note of what the world was talking about Monday morning. Ignore the drama between West and Swift (but certainly take note of Swift's vintage style for her performance), ignore Lady Gaga's excessive costume changes and gory dress and Rihanna's sparkly headband, nestled deep in the heart of the VMAs was an English gem, Florence + the Machine. 

Relatively unknown to us squares here in the United State, Florence + The Machine wowed VMA viewers with an energetic, genuine performance. Somewhere between Animal Collective and Siouxsie and the Banshees, Florence + the Machine brought a necessary element of eclectic talent to a night full of drama and lip-syncing. 

Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over VMA
Uploaded by samiam2546. - Explore more music videos.

Once I got past her amazing voice, Florence Welch's flowing dress, glowing red hair and red lipstick held my attention. If I could sing, this is who I'd be! Needless to say, I'm fascinated with Florence. After poking around the internet, it turns out she has interesting, if not amazing, style.

check out the tiny buttons at the waist, love it!

Very vintage-y. Fun shoes.

Not usually a headband fan but this looks fabulous, very flapper-esque.

Something about this screams futuristic but I'm getting a very vintage vibe as well.

At some point during my teenage years I might have killed for this dress.
Heck, I still might.

Check out Florence's frock and jacket in this video from cnn. Adorable.

I'm looking forward to getting to know Florence + the Machine better and watching what fantastic, outlandish and vintage inspired outfits Florence Welch comes up with.

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