Red Hair and The Wearing of Green

Tonight, in fact right now as I type this, my head is covered in "mud" and my hair is getting a little color enhancement. Since I started finding greys, henna has become a life saver. As a natural red head nothing can come close to matching my color but henna does a pretty good job. With tomorrow being St. Patrick's day and my hair in need of a boost, I thought it was time for another "mud" application.
St. Patrick's day has always been one of my favorite holidays, for reasons that have changed over the years. One thing that hasn't changed is the extra attention that is directed towards redheads on this festive day. So, in honor of St. Pat's, I too will give redheads, some quite famous ones, some extra attention.
Katharine Hepburn was apparently born with red hair and freckles, I had no idea!

One of my favorites, though not a natural redhead, Lucille Ball.

Clara Bow, the 'It' girl to which I owe my interest in vintage hairstyling, was a redhead who is said to have used henna later in life.

Rita Hayworth, not born with it but wore it like she was.

Maureen O'Hara- famously a natural redhead. She reminds me a great deal of my grandmother, also a redhead.
(Well actually both grandmas are, I suppose the color of my hair was inevitable.)

So, dear readers, be you a redhead or otherwise, Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Sea.

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